I know, I sound like a selfish, heartless bitch. "WAH! Can't Covid just go away already?!" But you know you are all thinking it. It dominates my social feeds, my news, and even discussions with those I speak with. When I get gas - the threat looms. When I get groceries - the threat looms. When I walk the neighborhood - the threat looms! Don't touch anything. Don't touch your face. Stay 6 feet back. And if someone sneezes or coughs in public we're all panicking. I fully understand the dangers of the Covid-19. People are dying. ********** I'm angry. I'm frustrated. I'm disappointed. WHY? My life rests on depending on the idea that others will be responsible. And I have no faith that they will be. I don't like that I'm at the mercy of the masses - that in my eyes tend to mostly make bad decisions. How many don't wash their hands after using the restroom? Before eating? After changing a baby diaper? ...
The life and times of a midlife woman seeking meaning, contentment and the occasional rant.