It's been a few years now that I decided to let go of my chaotic ways to seek a simpler life. I now feel compelled to tell my story.
Let me start with what simple living means to me.
Letting go of the complicated.
These are things like grudges, consumerism, and excess. Our human "fixes" to what hurts us cause even more hurt and emptiness, perpetuating the horrible cycle. I recognise that and let it go. I choose instead a life where I strive for forgiveness and letting go of harsh feelings and ideals.Accepting that there is no such thing as perfection.
We're human, it simply doesn't exist. I stopped trying to live perfectly. This ideal has led me to being more comfortable with who I am, especially at midlife.
Creating my own Personal Core Values
I developed my own mission statement of things I value most in life. When I make decisions I look to my core values to help me make up my mind.
Nevermind the naysayers
There's always gonna be someone who doesn't like what I'm doing and let me know but I feel content with myself so I'll just continue and nevermind those with negative ideas about me or my lifestyle.
I let that go.
Stop blaming anyone else or be the victim
I'm in charge of me. Life is about how you react to situations. I don't let anyone else control who I am or what I do by getting me to feel like I'm a victim.
And when I fall I don't blame anyone but me.
I'm sure there's more to living a simpler life for me. But I didn't necessarily start writing this diary to make lists but to document my journey into a more content, meaningful and fulfilled life.
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