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Am I Crazy or Is That You Perimenopause?

Ok, here it goes.

Once a month, usually for a day I get BAT-SHIT-CRAZY.

Really.  This is no joke.

A couple of months ago I was so hurt, angry and hopeless I wished I would die the pain was so horrible in my head.

That's an extreme.

Typically I'm super grumpy and feel like I want to punch walls and people out.  I don't, FYI.

What the heck is happening?

perimenopauseIt's my hormones.  

It started a couple of years ago, the VERY STRONG emotions right before my period.  It took me a few months to understand this was something happening on a regular basis, each month, and during my monthly cycle. 

I thought I was just an angry woman going crazy after my divorce and becoming an empty nester.  Huge life changes like that can make your a little angry and anxious for sure.

Luckily I started seeing a pattern.

I took action.  I thought, "How can I make this stop?"  I hate what I think and sometimes do during this time of the month.

Digging around I found, well, IT'S UNSTOPPABLE.  WTH!? 

That's unacceptable but true so I guess I would just deal with it.

There are a bunch of ways to face it head on and treat the hellish PMS in midlife aka PERIMENOPAUSE.  I'm not a doctor or someone qualified to tell you ways to handle the issues but I'll tell you what I do and where I've found info.

What I Do to Deal with Perimenopause Anguish

1. Face that b*tch. Acknowledge she's coming or here and just keep reminding myself that it will pass soon - literally tomorrow.

2. Do something I love that day.  I'm fortunate to work remote and on my own so I take the day and disappear to a trail.  That's my happy place and sometimes I can override the demon inside me. 

Sometimes I'll sit in bed all day, have a yummy sandwich for lunch and binge watch tv.

3. Forgive myself for what I say and do.  Generally, I stay away from people on this day so there's very few times I have to apologize for my bad behavior that day.  But I do have some pretty harsh thoughts about dying sometimes.  I NEVER FEEL THAT WAY OTHERWISE,  I absolutely love my life.  I also cry A LOT.  And sometimes yell at my dog, she's always with me these days.

I feel so guilty and shameful the next day.  I can't apologize to the dog but I can forgive myself and let the day and it's horribleness go.  By letting it go I actually set up for better success during the next round.

Info I've Found

WebMD on Perimenopause - Most likely you've already found this one when you search "perimenopause" but it's a good resource so I'll include it

Perimenopause Pages - Whole website about Perimenopause

How To Manage Your Emotions Through Menopause - Great natural ways to deal with the emotional rollercoaster of our hormones

Thanks for reading.  Feel free to comment. :-)


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